Due can be paid using the links below, or by cash or check in person. Checks can also be mailed to PO Box 5892 Vallejo, CA 94591

Monthly $20: https://square.link/u/IebtYOT8

6 Months $115 ($5 off!): https://square.link/u/1wWLLOwg

1 year $220 ($20 off!): https://square.link/u/ByxoGrOx

Social Members (non-rowing): $20, Jan through Dec: https://square.link/u/1KvyxtaU

Annual Household (all members at same address): https://checkout.square.site/merchant/R32WAN6BNA7NG/checkout/4NV5WYBDDUL5U3DGCKJH256V

Financial aide is available. Please contact [email protected] for more information.



Contact Us

Straits of Mare Island Rowing Association
P.O. Box 5892, Vallejo, CA. 94591

(707) 553-4844
[email protected]

Mare Island, Vallejo, CA. - Tides

© 2021 – Straits of Mare Island Rowing Association. All rights reserved.